Savoring Sweetness: Revani - A Delectable Greek Semolina Cake Recipe

 Ravani, also known as revani, holds a special place in Greek culinary tradition as one of the most cherished semolina cakes infused with irresistible syrup. In Greece, these syrup-soaked desserts are lovingly called "syropiasta," which quite literally translates to "with syrup." Elevating this exquisite treat, our ravani recipe beckons you to savor its delectable symphony of flavors.

To craft this culinary masterpiece, gather the following essential ingredients: velvety butter, delicate sugar, fine semolina, premium flour, eggs brimming with vitality, zest from either a vibrant lemon or a sun-kissed orange, baking powder for that perfect rise, a single enchanting cinnamon stick, and the tangy elixir of a lemon. Should you seek measurement clarity, a cup in this recipe signifies a generous 250 ml.

With a preparation time of just thirty minutes and a gentle baking period of forty-five, our ravani recipe yields a splendid bounty of 16 to 18 delectable pieces. A few precious tips to elevate your creation: ensure all ingredients bask in room temperature before commencing, and, when pouring the syrup, embrace a slow drizzle with a spoon, enveloping the entire expanse of the dessert. Both syrup and cake should embrace warmth during this harmonious union. Once complete, don't forget to enshroud your masterpiece with a protective layer of plastic membrane before nestling it in the embrace of your refrigerator.

True aficionados of this exquisite delight often find solace in indulging on the second day, where the cake's flavors have harmonized beautifully in cool repose. For an exotic twist, adorn your ravani with delicate coconut flakes, infusing every bite with an alluring tropical essence. Pair this exquisite creation with a steaming cup of coffee, and relish its magic at any hour.

revani (ravani)

Revani - Ingredients

  • 1 teacup of butter
  • ½ teacup of sugar
  • 2 teacups of fine semolina
  • 1½ teacups of flour
  • 5 eggs
  • The zest of an orange or lemon
  • 3 teaspoons of baking powder

For the syrup 

  • 3 cups of sugar
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • The zest of ½ lemon
  • The juice of ½ lemon

Revani - How to make

  1. Start this traditional ravani recipe by sifting the flour and mixing it with the baking powder and the semolina.
  2. Place the butter and the sugar in the mixer bowl and stir for about 10 minutes until the mixture gets fluffy.
  3. Add the eggs add the lemon (or orange) zest and continue to mix for a couple of minutes. Gradually add the flour-semolina mix.
  4. Butter a baking pan and preheat the oven to 170 °C.
  5. Mix until you get a homogeneous mixture and all the liquids are absorbed.
  6. Pour the mixture into the buttered baking pan.
  7. Place the baking pan into the preheated oven and bake for around 40 to 45 minutes until the revani cake gets a golden-brown color.
  8. Take a pot to prepare the syrup by adding all the ingredients and boil for around 5 minutes.
  9. Once ravani is ready you cut it into square pieces and with the help of the spoon, you gradually pour the syrup all over the cake and allow it to cool down to room temperature.
  10. Top it with coconut flakes.
Elevate your culinary journey with revani (also known as ravani), where tradition meets innovation, and each bite tells a tale of ancient flavors and modern allure. Revel in the pleasure of every forkful and sip, and let the symphony of ravani enchant your senses, one delectable moment at a time. If you like semolina desserts, try this samali recipe. Enjoy!